Due Date Calculator

πŸ‘Ά Expecting a bundle of joy? Plan your journey into parenthood with our user-friendly due date calculator online! Enter your last period date and menstrual cycle length, and let our tool predict your baby’s estimated due date. πŸ“† Stay informed about your pregnancy timeline and ensure optimal prenatal care. Our due date calculator is a handy resource for parents-to-be, offering insights into the exciting journey of childbirth. 🀰 Embrace the joy of pregnancy with accurate predictions and thoughtful maternity planning. Start your countdown to the arrival of your little one!

Modify the inputs, then press the β€˜Calculate’ button

Due Date Calculator


Estimated Due Date:

Note: This is a general estimate. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Unlocking the Mystery of Parenthood: Your Comprehensive Due Date Calculator Guide

Welcoming a bundle of joy into your life is an enchanting journey, and our Due Date Calculator is here to guide you every step of the way! Whether you’re a seasoned parent or embarking on this adventure for the first time, this tool promises to simplify the process, offering valuable insights into the timeline of your pregnancy. Let’s delve into the details to ensure you make the most of this incredible resource.

Introduction: The Magic of Expecting 🍼

Anticipation, joy, and a touch of nervous excitement – these are the emotions that define the journey to parenthood. Our Due Date Calculator acts as your digital companion, providing a straightforward method to estimate when your little one will make their grand entrance into the world.

Getting Started: Inputting Key Details πŸ“†

  1. First Day of Your Last Period: πŸ—“οΈ
    • Initiate the process by selecting the date of your last menstrual period. This date acts as the foundation for estimating your due date. Utilize the calendar tool to pinpoint this pivotal day effortlessly.
  2. Average Length of Your Cycles: ⏰
    • Specify the average length of your menstrual cycles. This denotes the duration from the first day of your last period to the day before your next period begins. If you’re unsure, the default value is often set to 28 days, but feel free to adjust it based on your specific cycle length.

The Calculation Process: Unveiling Your Due Date βš™οΈ

Once you’ve entered the essential details, our Due Date Calculator employs advanced algorithms to precisely calculate your estimated due date. This date is a pivotal marker, indicating when your baby is likely to arrive.

Result Display: Your Estimated Due Date πŸŽ‰

The result section presents your Estimated Due Date in a friendly and readable format. The anticipation builds as you envision the moment you’ll get to hold your newborn.

Enhancing User Experience: Default Values and Dynamic Updates πŸ”„

To make your experience seamless, default values are set – the First Day of Your Last Period defaults to January 1, 2024, and the Average Length of Your Cycles to 28 days. As you interact with the tool, dynamic updates ensure that the result reflects any changes you make.

Due Date Calculator

Embracing the Journey πŸ€—

In conclusion, our Due Date Calculator is more than just a tool – it’s a companion on your journey to parenthood. With user-friendly features, accurate calculations, and dynamic updates, it aims to make the anticipation of your little one’s arrival even more special.

Embark on this enchanting journey with confidence, armed with the insights provided by our Due Date Calculator. Parenthood awaits – let the countdown begin! 🎊

Importance and Benefits of Due Date Calculator

A due date calculator is a valuable tool in pregnancy management and prenatal care, offering several benefits for expectant mothers and healthcare providers. Let’s explore its importance in detail:

  1. Predicting Estimated Due Date: The primary function of a due date calculator is to predict the estimated due date (EDD) of delivery based on the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or ultrasound measurements. This information helps expectant mothers and healthcare providers plan for the birth of the baby and prepare accordingly.
  2. Monitoring Fetal Development: By knowing the estimated due date, healthcare providers can monitor fetal growth and development more accurately throughout the pregnancy. Regular prenatal check-ups and ultrasound examinations can be scheduled at appropriate intervals to assess the baby’s health and ensure proper growth and development in utero.
  3. Facilitating Pregnancy Planning: For couples planning to conceive, a due date calculator can aid in determining the most fertile days of the menstrual cycle and optimizing the timing of intercourse for conception. Knowing the estimated due date in advance allows couples to plan for pregnancy and make necessary lifestyle adjustments accordingly.
  4. Early Detection of Pregnancy Complications: In cases where pregnancy complications or high-risk factors are present, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, knowing the estimated due date can help healthcare providers closely monitor the pregnancy and detect any potential complications early on. Early intervention and management can improve outcomes for both mother and baby.
  5. Estimating Gestational Age: A due date calculator helps estimate the gestational age of the fetus, which is crucial for assessing fetal development and determining the appropriate timing for certain prenatal tests and screenings, such as the anatomy scan or genetic testing. Accurate gestational age estimation ensures timely interventions and appropriate medical care throughout the pregnancy.
  6. Supporting Birth Planning: Expectant mothers can use the estimated due date to plan for the birth experience, including choosing a healthcare provider, selecting a birth location (hospital, birthing center, or home birth), and preparing a birth plan that outlines preferences for pain management, labor interventions, and postpartum care.
  7. Preparing for Parenthood: Knowing the estimated due date allows expectant parents to prepare emotionally, financially, and practically for the arrival of their baby. They can use the time leading up to the due date to attend childbirth education classes, set up the nursery, purchase baby essentials, and make any necessary arrangements for maternity leave or childcare.
  8. Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Awareness of the estimated due date encourages expectant mothers to prioritize their health and well-being throughout pregnancy. They may be more inclined to adopt healthy lifestyle habits such as eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, avoiding harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, and attending prenatal appointments regularly to optimize maternal and fetal health.
  9. Reducing Anxiety and Uncertainty: For expectant parents, knowing the estimated due date provides a sense of certainty and reduces anxiety about the timing of the baby’s arrival. It allows them to mentally prepare for the upcoming changes in their lives and alleviates concerns about potential complications or delays in the pregnancy.
  10. Facilitating Communication with Healthcare Providers: The estimated due date serves as a reference point for communication between expectant mothers and their healthcare providers. It allows for clearer communication about pregnancy milestones, anticipated timelines for prenatal testing and procedures, and any concerns or questions that may arise throughout the pregnancy journey.
  11. Facilitating Prenatal Testing Scheduling: Understanding the estimated due date helps healthcare providers schedule essential prenatal tests and screenings at optimal times during the pregnancy. Tests such as fetal ultrasound scans, genetic screenings, and glucose tolerance tests are typically recommended at specific gestational ages. By aligning these tests with the estimated due date, healthcare providers can ensure timely detection of any potential pregnancy complications and facilitate appropriate interventions.
  12. Assisting in Birth Plan Customization: Expectant parents often have preferences regarding their birth experience, including pain management options, birthing positions, and who they want present during labor and delivery. Knowing the estimated due date allows them to customize their birth plan according to their preferences and values. This personalization enhances the birthing experience, promotes feelings of empowerment, and fosters a sense of control during labor and delivery.
  13. Predicting Baby’s Zodiac Sign and Personality Traits: Some expectant parents enjoy exploring astrological connections and predicting their baby’s zodiac sign based on the estimated due date. While not scientifically validated, many people believe that a baby’s zodiac sign may influence certain personality traits and characteristics. Exploring these astrological connections can be a fun and lighthearted way for parents to bond with their unborn child and anticipate their future together.
  14. Providing Psychological Preparation for Labor and Delivery: Understanding the estimated due date helps expectant parents mentally prepare for the physical and emotional demands of labor and delivery. As the due date approaches, parents can engage in relaxation techniques, childbirth education classes, and mindfulness practices to build confidence and reduce anxiety about the birthing process. This psychological preparation promotes a positive mindset, enhances coping skills, and fosters a sense of readiness for the challenges of childbirth.
  15. Supporting Postpartum Planning and Adjustment: In addition to preparing for labor and delivery, knowing the estimated due date allows expectant parents to plan for the postpartum period and adjust their expectations accordingly. They can anticipate the physical recovery process, arrange for postpartum support, and make arrangements for childcare and parental leave as needed. This proactive approach to postpartum planning promotes smoother transitions to parenthood, reduces stress, and supports overall family well-being in the postpartum period.
  16. Enhancing Partner Involvement: Knowing the estimated due date encourages partners to become more involved in the pregnancy journey. Partners can mark important milestones, such as the estimated conception date and trimester milestones, on calendars or planners to stay informed and engaged throughout the pregnancy. This active participation strengthens the bond between partners, fosters communication, and promotes a sense of shared responsibility in preparing for parenthood.
  17. Promoting Maternal Mental Health: A due date calculator can have a positive impact on maternal mental health by providing expectant mothers with a sense of structure and predictability during pregnancy. Understanding the estimated due date helps mothers establish a timeline for prenatal care, prepare for maternity leave, and set realistic expectations for the postpartum period. This sense of control and preparedness can reduce feelings of stress and uncertainty, promoting overall well-being and mental resilience throughout pregnancy.
  18. Facilitating Social Support Networks: Sharing the estimated due date with family and friends can facilitate the formation of social support networks during pregnancy. Expectant parents may organize baby showers, prenatal gatherings, or online support groups around the estimated due date to celebrate the impending arrival of the baby and seek advice from experienced parents. Building a strong support network provides emotional reassurance, practical assistance, and valuable resources to navigate the challenges of pregnancy and early parenthood.
  19. Preparing Siblings for Arrival of New Baby: For families with existing children, knowing the estimated due date allows parents to prepare siblings for the arrival of a new baby sibling. Parents can involve siblings in pregnancy-related activities, such as attending ultrasound appointments or helping decorate the nursery, to foster a sense of excitement and anticipation. Discussing the baby’s expected arrival date with siblings helps them understand the concept of time and adjust to the upcoming changes in the family dynamic.
  20. Assisting with Work and Career Planning: Expectant parents can use the estimated due date to plan for maternity or paternity leave from work and make arrangements for childcare during their absence. Knowing the expected timing of the baby’s arrival allows parents to communicate with employers, finalize work projects, and prepare for a smooth transition out of the workplace. This proactive approach to work and career planning reduces stress and ensures a seamless return to work after the birth of the baby.
  21. Encouraging Fetal Bonding and Attachment: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to bond with their unborn baby and establish a sense of attachment during pregnancy. Parents may talk to the baby, play music, or gently massage the abdomen to stimulate fetal movements and promote bonding. Setting aside dedicated time to connect with the baby fosters a sense of closeness and emotional connection, laying the foundation for strong parent-child relationships after birth.
  22. Supporting Cultural and Religious Traditions: In many cultures and religious traditions, the timing of childbirth holds cultural significance and may be influenced by auspicious dates or religious observances. Knowing the estimated due date allows expectant parents to align their cultural or religious practices with the anticipated timing of the baby’s arrival. This adherence to cultural and religious traditions honors family heritage, strengthens cultural identity, and enriches the pregnancy and childbirth experience with meaningful rituals and ceremonies.
  23. Enabling Financial Planning and Budgeting: The estimated due date serves as a valuable reference point for financial planning and budgeting in preparation for the baby’s arrival. Expectant parents can create a budget for baby-related expenses, such as prenatal care, maternity clothing, baby gear, and childcare costs, and allocate funds accordingly. Planning ahead financially ensures that parents are financially prepared to meet the needs of their growing family and reduces financial stress during pregnancy and early parenthood.
  24. Promoting Healthy Sleep Habits: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to prioritize healthy sleep habits during pregnancy. Parents-to-be can establish bedtime routines, create a comfortable sleep environment, and practice relaxation techniques to improve sleep quality and quantity. Adequate sleep during pregnancy supports maternal health, reduces fatigue, and enhances overall well-being, contributing to a smoother pregnancy experience and better maternal-fetal outcomes.
  25. Facilitating Birth Photography and Keepsakes: Many expectant parents choose to document the journey of pregnancy and childbirth through birth photography and keepsakes. Knowing the estimated due date allows parents to schedule professional maternity photoshoots, plan for birth photographers to capture the labor and delivery experience, and create personalized birth announcements or baby books. These tangible mementos preserve cherished memories and milestones, providing families with lasting reminders of their pregnancy journey and the joy of welcoming a new baby into the world.
  26. Facilitating Travel Plans: Knowing the estimated due date allows expectant parents to plan travel arrangements accordingly. Whether it’s attending a family gathering, going on a babymoon vacation, or visiting loved ones before the baby’s arrival, having a clear timeframe enables parents to schedule trips during pregnancy when it’s most comfortable and safe. Planning travel around the estimated due date minimizes the risk of unexpected travel restrictions or complications closer to the delivery date.
  27. Encouraging Prenatal Bonding Activities: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to engage in prenatal bonding activities that strengthen the parent-child bond before birth. Activities such as reading books to the baby, playing music, and writing letters or journals to the unborn child create meaningful connections and memories that enhance the emotional bond between parents and their baby. Prenatal bonding activities also promote relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional well-being during pregnancy.
  28. Supporting Breastfeeding Preparation: For expectant mothers planning to breastfeed, knowing the estimated due date allows them to prepare for breastfeeding success. They can attend breastfeeding classes, seek guidance from lactation consultants, and educate themselves about breastfeeding techniques and best practices before the baby’s arrival. Having this knowledge and preparation ensures that mothers feel confident and empowered to initiate and sustain breastfeeding from the early postpartum period onwards.
  29. Preparing Older Siblings for New Baby: Families with older siblings can use the estimated due date to prepare siblings for the arrival of a new baby brother or sister. Parents can involve older siblings in pregnancy-related activities, such as choosing baby names, decorating the nursery, and attending prenatal appointments. Additionally, parents can read books or watch videos with older siblings to help them understand what to expect when the new baby arrives and encourage feelings of excitement and anticipation.
  30. Promoting Fetal Movement Tracking: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant mothers to monitor fetal movements and kick counts regularly during the third trimester. Tracking fetal movements provides valuable insights into the baby’s well-being and helps identify any changes or patterns that may warrant further evaluation by healthcare providers. Increased awareness of fetal movements promotes maternal-fetal bonding, reassures expectant mothers about their baby’s health, and facilitates early detection of potential fetal distress.
  31. Facilitating Home Birth Planning: For families considering home birth as an option, knowing the estimated due date allows them to plan and prepare for a safe and comfortable birthing experience in the familiar surroundings of their own home. Home birth preparations may include assembling a home birth kit, arranging for a certified midwife or doula to attend the birth, and creating a birthing plan that outlines preferences for pain management, labor support, and postpartum care. Planning ahead for a home birth ensures that expectant parents feel empowered and supported in their decision to birth at home.
  32. Supporting Emotional Preparation for Labor and Delivery: Understanding the estimated due date provides expectant parents with a sense of time and helps them emotionally prepare for the challenges and uncertainties of labor and delivery. Parents-to-be can discuss their hopes, fears, and expectations surrounding childbirth, attend childbirth education classes, and practice relaxation techniques to cope with labor pain and anxiety. Emotional preparation fosters resilience, confidence, and a positive mindset, which are essential for navigating the birthing process with courage and calmness.
  33. Enabling Time for Nesting and Baby Preparation: Expectant parents often experience a natural urge to nest and prepare their home for the arrival of the baby as the due date approaches. Knowing the estimated due date allows parents to allocate time for nesting activities such as organizing the nursery, washing baby clothes and linens, assembling baby gear, and stocking up on essential supplies. Creating a nurturing and welcoming environment for the baby promotes feelings of readiness and anticipation, enhancing the transition to parenthood for expectant parents.
  34. Facilitating Cord Blood Banking Decisions: Cord blood banking is a process where the umbilical cord blood is collected and stored for potential future medical use. Knowing the estimated due date enables expectant parents to make informed decisions about cord blood banking options and arrangements. Parents can research cord blood banking facilities, discuss the benefits and costs with healthcare providers, and determine whether cord blood banking aligns with their family’s values and preferences before the baby’s arrival.
  35. Encouraging Pregnancy Exercise and Fitness: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant mothers to engage in regular exercise and physical activity during pregnancy. Safe and appropriate exercise routines, such as prenatal yoga, swimming, and walking, can help alleviate common discomforts, improve mood and energy levels, and prepare the body for labor and delivery. By incorporating regular exercise into their routine, expectant mothers can enhance their overall fitness, promote healthy weight management, and reduce the risk of pregnancy-related complications.
  36. Supporting Birth Photography and Videography Planning: Many expectant parents choose to document the birth experience through professional birth photography or videography services. Knowing the estimated due date allows parents to schedule and coordinate with birth photographers or videographers, discuss their preferences and expectations, and plan for capturing the special moments of labor, delivery, and the baby’s first moments. Birth photography and videography preserve precious memories and emotions, creating a lasting legacy for families to cherish for years to come.
  37. Promoting Maternal Nutrition and Dietary Planning: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant mothers to prioritize maternal nutrition and dietary planning throughout pregnancy. Mothers-to-be can work with healthcare providers or registered dietitians to develop a balanced and nutrient-rich diet that supports optimal fetal growth and development. By consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods and staying hydrated, expectant mothers can meet their increased energy and nutrient needs, reduce the risk of pregnancy complications, and support the health and well-being of both mother and baby.
  38. Supporting Childbirth Education and Preparedness: Childbirth education classes are valuable resources for expectant parents to learn about the stages of labor, pain management techniques, childbirth interventions, and postpartum care. Knowing the estimated due date allows parents to enroll in childbirth education classes early in pregnancy and complete the curriculum before the baby’s arrival. Childbirth education empowers parents with knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed decisions about their birth preferences and navigate the birthing process with greater ease and understanding.
  39. Facilitating Adoption and Surrogacy Planning: In cases of adoption or surrogacy, the estimated due date serves as a reference point for planning and preparing for the baby’s arrival. Prospective adoptive or intended parents can use the estimated due date to coordinate adoption paperwork, finalize legal arrangements, and prepare their home for the arrival of the adopted child. Similarly, intended parents and surrogate mothers involved in gestational surrogacy arrangements can use the estimated due date to plan for prenatal care, support, and birth logistics.
  40. Supporting Postpartum Recovery Planning: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to plan for postpartum recovery and self-care following childbirth. Mothers-to-be can research postpartum recovery tips, assemble a postpartum care kit, and arrange for support from family members, friends, or postpartum doulas. Planning for postpartum recovery promotes physical healing, emotional well-being, and a smooth transition to parenthood for both mothers and partners.
  41. Facilitating Parenting Classes and Support Groups: Understanding the estimated due date enables expectant parents to enroll in parenting classes and join support groups tailored to their needs and interests. Parenting classes cover topics such as newborn care, breastfeeding, infant CPR, and postpartum recovery, providing valuable knowledge and skills to prepare parents for the challenges and joys of parenthood. Joining support groups allows parents to connect with peers, share experiences, and seek advice from others going through similar stages of pregnancy and early parenthood.
  42. Encouraging Fetal Development Monitoring: Knowing the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to monitor fetal development and milestones more closely. Parents can track the baby’s growth, movement patterns, and developmental milestones throughout pregnancy, using resources such as pregnancy apps, fetal development charts, and prenatal healthcare provider guidance. Increased awareness of fetal development fosters a deeper connection with the baby and promotes active engagement in monitoring the baby’s well-being during pregnancy.
  43. Supporting Birth Plan Flexibility and Adaptability: While having a birth plan is helpful, understanding the estimated due date also encourages expectant parents to remain flexible and adaptable in their birth preferences. Birth plans may need to be adjusted based on labor progress, medical interventions, and unforeseen circumstances that arise during childbirth. Being open to changes and unexpected outcomes allows parents to approach labor and delivery with a sense of acceptance and resilience, ultimately leading to a more positive and empowering birth experience.
  44. Promoting Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity: Due date calculators acknowledge and respect the diversity of cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. They provide information and resources that are inclusive of various cultural backgrounds, languages, and customs, ensuring that expectant parents from diverse communities feel represented and supported in their pregnancy journey. Embracing cultural diversity promotes cultural sensitivity, equity, and access to prenatal care and support services for all expectant families.
  45. Empowering Informed Decision-Making: Understanding the estimated due date empowers expectant parents to make informed decisions about their prenatal care, birth preferences, and postpartum plans. Armed with knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth, parents can advocate for their preferences, ask questions, and actively participate in shared decision-making with healthcare providers. Empowering expectant parents to be active participants in their care promotes autonomy, confidence, and a sense of ownership over their pregnancy and birth experiences.
  46. Facilitating Grandparent and Family Involvement: The estimated due date serves as an important milestone for grandparents and extended family members who eagerly await the arrival of the new baby. Sharing the estimated due date with grandparents and family members allows them to plan visits, arrange for support, and participate in pregnancy-related celebrations and preparations. Involving grandparents and extended family in the pregnancy journey fosters familial bonds, strengthens intergenerational relationships, and promotes a sense of shared joy and anticipation for the upcoming arrival.
  47. Supporting Maternity Leave Planning: Understanding the estimated due date enables expectant mothers to plan for maternity leave from work and make arrangements for temporary childcare or family support during their absence. Maternity leave planning may involve coordinating with employers, reviewing company policies, and exploring options for paid or unpaid leave benefits. By proactively planning for maternity leave, expectant mothers can minimize work-related stress, maximize time for rest and recovery after childbirth, and ease the transition back to work after the baby’s arrival.
  48. Encouraging Birth Preference Discussions with Healthcare Providers: Knowing the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to discuss their birth preferences and goals with their healthcare providers early in pregnancy. Open and honest communication with healthcare providers allows parents to express their desires, ask questions, and address any concerns or fears about labor and delivery. Collaborative discussions between parents and healthcare providers foster trust, mutual understanding, and personalized care that respects the parents’ preferences and values during childbirth.
  49. Promoting Environmental and Home Safety Preparations: Understanding the estimated due date prompts expectant parents to assess and address safety concerns in their home environment to ensure a safe and nurturing space for the baby. Parents-to-be can conduct home safety inspections, babyproofing measures, and emergency preparedness plans to safeguard against potential hazards and accidents. Creating a safe and secure environment promotes peace of mind, reduces the risk of injuries, and enhances the overall well-being of the family as they welcome the new baby into their home.
  50. Supporting Emotional Well-Being Throughout Pregnancy: Understanding the estimated due date encourages expectant parents to prioritize their emotional well-being and seek support when needed throughout pregnancy. Parents-to-be can engage in stress-reducing activities such as meditation, journaling, or talking to a therapist or counselor to manage anxiety and mood fluctuations. Seeking emotional support from partners, family members, or support groups fosters resilience, coping skills, and emotional balance during the ups and downs of pregnancy.
In conclusion, a due date calculator is a valuable tool that plays a crucial role in pregnancy management, prenatal care, and birth planning. By providing expectant mothers and healthcare providers with accurate estimates of the due date, it supports healthy pregnancies, promotes informed decision-making, and enhances the overall experience of pregnancy and childbirth.

Greetings, Expectant Parents!

Embarking on the incredible journey of pregnancy is a thrilling yet complex experience. Our Due Date Calculator is here to offer support and insights, but let’s delve into a few essential details to ensure a clear understanding.

πŸ“† Understanding the Due Date Estimate

The estimated due date provided by the calculator is a general prediction based on standard calculations. It’s essential to recognize that this is an average, and individual pregnancies can vary. Your baby’s timeline might unfold in its own unique way.

πŸ’‘ Use as a Reference, Not a Guarantee

Consider the due date as a reference point rather than a strict deadline. Nature operates on its schedule, and each pregnancy is a one-of-a-kind journey. Embrace the beautiful unpredictability of this process!

🀰 Every Pregnancy is Unique

Factors like your health, medical history, and other personal details influence the dynamics of your pregnancy. Our tool does not replace the personalized advice and care provided by healthcare professionals.

πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ Consult with Healthcare Professionals

For a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified healthcare professional. They can provide tailored guidance, taking into account your specific circumstances and ensuring the best care for both you and your baby.

🌈 Celebrating the Journey

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey filled with surprises. While our Due Date Calculator is a helpful tool, it cannot capture the full spectrum of the experience. Enjoy the surprises, savor each moment, and trust your healthcare provider to navigate this adventure with you.

πŸš€ Final Thoughts

In conclusion, our Due Date Calculator is designed to offer support and general insights. However, it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice. Your healthcare provider is your best ally, providing the personalized care and guidance needed for a healthy and joyful pregnancy.

Cheers to your exciting journey into parenthood! 🌟

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